About Me

Montclair State University Student Currently a junior Major: Business Administration concentration in management

Monday, November 30, 2015

College Student Struggles

As college students, we take on new responsibilities as opposed to high school. There are a number of struggles that every student encounters during their 4 years. I researched a variety of different experiences that we all have in common as students and found them online,


. Dorm Life- Remembering Your Room Key
hat moment when you realize you forgot your keys meme
Image Source: WeKnowMemes

A common and frustrating problem for students new to dorm life is realizing they either locked themselves out of their dorm or left the room key somewhere. This requires getting a replacement room key made and sometimes will even require a change of locks. There is no worse feeling than on a Saturday Morning coming back at 2 am to realize you are locked out. A sympathetic RA might be willing to help you out, but it's best to not make it a recurring problem. At Plexuss.com, our best suggestion is to get a keyring strap/ lanyard (most bookstores/ dorms usually provide them).
2. Hustling To get Textbooks (Because the Bookstore is too darn expensive!)
why are textbooks so expensive?
Gif Source: Buzzfeed
Many students are faced with a dilemma when purchasing textbooks: pre-order a textbook and have it there waiting at the bookstore, or wait sometimes weeks into a class to find a cheap alternative. Secondary sites like Ebay and amazon sometimes pay off, but some students have even posted classifieds on craigslist, or met up with a "friend of a friend" to get that special textbook price.

3. Eating Ramen Noodles (or Macaroni and Cheese) For every meal
ramen noodle diet
Gif Source: Giphy
For the broke student, meals can often have a redundant menu. A 12 pack of ramen is just under $2.25. However, these contain over 1800 mg of sodium, which is over two thirds the maximum recommended daily sodium amount by the FDA. Ramen noodles also contain palm oil, which has high saturated fat and can lead to heart disease. Mac and cheese is also loaded with carbs and fat. There are some healthy cheap alternatives (lentils for example), but finding both is a neverending quest for many college students. College cookbooks have been published which specialize in cheap recipes.

4. Figuring Out Ways to Go Out and Have Fun (For free)
how to have fun for free
Gif Source: Teen.com
For areas with nature, going outdoors, hiking, or playing sports is always a winner. There are many lists of activities which can be found online, from board games, to making youtube videos, Karaoke nights, and finding free concerts/ festivals on campus, college students always find a way to stay active.

Youtube makeup channels

Technology and its influence on beauty

As a twenty year old woman in today's society, I've become familiar with a vast amount of new opportunities that are available on the internet. In this particular case, I'm referring to makeup. I personally discovered my love of cosmetics while browsing youtube one day as a freshman in high school. I later learned that youtube gave many women the opportunity to teach and learn various makeup techniques. I researched the web and found some rather interesting stories of women who learned how to do makeup by watching "makeup gurus" on youtube!

A youtube star by the name of Michelle Phan was one of the first youtube gurus I started watching. In each video she shows a step by step process of how she applies makeup for many difference occasions such as weddings, halloween, date night, holidays etc. In each video she voices over each step and tells her audience what products and brushes that she uses. By doing so, her audience gains the knowledge to learn how to properly apply makeup.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LKxkQ_lny0s

Above is a video that Mrs. Phan recently uploaded. In the video, she creates a sexy smokey look that anyone could replicate with a bit of practice. After watching Mrs. Phan, I began to familiarize myself with other you tubers such as AndreasChoice, JLovesMac1, and Heather123. Youtube has given these girls an opportunity to spread their skill and also job opportunities. Currently, Mrs. Phan's net worth is $3 million. She has also opened a makeup line entitled "Em cosmetics".

Whats the difference between Facebook and Blogging?

It is uncommon for individuals today in society to not know what Facebook is. Whether we have our own account or witnessed others accounts, we are very familiar with it. Facebook provides us with entertainment, easy access to friends and family, and a sense of escapism. The question that arises is, whats the difference between Facebook and a blog? I must admit that I didn't know the difference when immediately asking the question, so I decided to investigate a bit. I read an article that perfectly described the differences between a blog and a website such as Facebook. The link is provided below.

"What is the difference between blogging and a website"
The basic difference between a blog and a website is theoretically the difference in how data is being presented – the format. Apart from that, in practicality there is a fine line between a blog and a website, not much to ponder about however. There is some key differences between them and the=is should clarify as to what you should go with for creating and publishing your content.
 blog is basically a web log that a blogger makes use for chronological listing of blog posts. A blog has the most recent content shown first followed by the previously updated content. A blog can be easily started with services like WordPressBlogger, etc. and do not need you to start something from the scratch, providing you with the entire system including design templates.
A blog thrives on new content and more updated it is, the more attention it will get. That doesn’t mean tons of scraps will equal gold mine. Quality and regularly updated content are examples of a good blog.
Basic identification of Blogs:A chronological listing of blog posts.
  • A commenting system that invites readers to participate in the communication and leave behind comments.
  • Blog posts are archived by date, category, author, tags and sub-categories.
  • RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds for posts and/or comments for feed-readers like Feedly, etc.
A website in return can be anything. Anything on the internet presented in HTML/CSS or Java/Javascript/Python/Php, etc. comprises of a website. A webiste may be complimented with a blog, but the home page would be more for browsing other pages and not just posts. Fully functional and eye-catchy websites are usually cost consuming tasks as you would have to build from the base up. However with platforms and services like Adobe Dreamweaver, you could build your own website.
A blog can be a part of a website, in the form of  a separate page and linked to the homepage. A website is a bigger aspect and its limitations are little to none. A website could be anything from a single page to a 1 Billion-users social network (Say, Facebook).